Property Services

Owning a legal recognition for business makes it more appealing to its users. Other than getting to product quality, an enterprise has to ensure that their product shines in the market individually and no one gets an opportunity to add a similar product to their catalog.

If you are the owner of a new product or service, you would like to register a trademark or service mark for the same.

Trademark Symbol Include

Trade Mark (TM) and Service Mark (SM): This denotes the trademark hasn’t been registered yet, but an application is in the works.

R Symbol: Once the trademark application is granted, the R mark appears next to the trademark. It indicates that the owner of the newly registered brand has been identified.

To protect your organization’s intellectual property, we offer the following services:

  • Conducting a thorough search on the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks’ website.
  • Creating and submitting the trademark application and creating an affidavit to prove the mark’s past use.
  • Represent clients during the opposition proceedings of trademark, copyright, patent, and design in India at the respective regional offices.
  • Serve legal notice on behalf of a client in case of infringement of trademark, copyright, patent and design.
  • Assistance in Renewal of registered trademarks and assistance with franchising and licensing agreements, assignment deeds, and other legal paperwork.